Life Is Movement!

Thanks to the Stylus of Galaxy Note 8 we can pick and choose quickly. 

Here are my health apps as of yesterday. I admit using Samsung Health app is good because it reminds you of making your goals but a lot is missing. Here is my solution. The key idea and problem is how to stay fit even if you cannot make time for official exercise time. My solution is to mix exercise with life. That will be before, during and after everything all day and night. 

Today I was able to do the stretching moves and worked really well. Yoga was too distracting because of all the reading. And I picked quats to start muscles. They are so stiff and you really don’t know till try doing some quats. 

We will see how this goes.

We Have The Greatest And Nobody Else Does (First Draft)

Good to have a big wall.

And I think I am pretty much done with Samsung Pay. I added the maximum of 10 cards and also learned to use it whenever and wherever possible. It has gone past a novelty. Since any device with a magnetic scanner can be used I am sure I will be using it a lot. The points are good too. Everything is good till it pays not to give it to you. That will be the future. One day Samsung Pay won’t be so free but I am sure still will be useful. 

And we may be dropping this blog and starting another one. The Little Man blog series we’re dedicated to our awesome local Mayor Little Man when he was in deep trouble. He never did confront the Feds but definitely found someone in the Fed and all that talk of prosecution and stuff vanished. It is good to know people and have a few dollars to spend. That definitely comes handy. 

As of now we are thinking the time is right to honor another awesome not local but national political figure. The man who defied them all. He will probably be remembered as the worst political figure of our history. Anybody who likes him or even agreed with him is in the pipeline for whatever the government can throw at them and believe me will. He has been honored in the Little Man blogs many times and believe it or not at one point the abuse got to him and started attacking “the Little Man” this and that in the context of “I am talking to North Koreans.” Whatever you say Chief. The only trouble is too many people read this stuff and already associate Little Man with NOT North Korea etc. I think it is time for our Big Boy to get his own Honorary blog. 

Today the topic was raised how Trump is a horrible man and a Bully and uses these tactics to abuse everyone and why it is important to have opposition leaders that seriously “upset” him. The key idea is next to Trump and his abusive condict there has to be records of how it was responded to. Something about all Great countries have this built into their social and political systems. 

Honestly, we just do this because is fun. Another fault of our lousy public school system and what persons it raises to become it’s citizens. We won’t enter that topic here but our dear Big Man in DC needs his own blog. DonnyTrumpet at whatever HOST seems an appropriate homage to the great work some in our political system do.

We keep working on that. Lazy is the word for how long before things get switched.

And of the timing? The good folk at State Department spend a solemn week not responding to what may be an issue because they held that Donald Trump is history. Their claim was “end of the week” and today is Friday. We didn’t say that. We told everyone “within a week” so when they start sweating we can tell them they have till Tuesday and the uniforms won’t be dropping in YET to say Hi and relieve a few of their misery. They still argue is done deal. 

In case it is not (and better be I mean it) we are thinking a whole awesome blog to honor our great leader. He will probably think Donny Trumpet is some person. No, our vocabulary-less leader whom now is publicly accused of not just being a liar but a “congenital” one and is incapable of grasping the idea that what he makes up as a lie is really not true. That is what makes this country great. Who has a leader like that? Suuuure, North Korea has an awesome leader too and Donny really hates him. The man does whatever he wants. And sits there and watches big missiles take off and who knows where they go. Poor Donny attends one missile launches in his Bullshit-dom of America he wants to create and there be so much fuss. Others don’t have it. We have Great leadership. It is true what said or done is really bad in a lot of ways but who else has a leader like that? We do. We can dedicate whole blogs to honoring ours.

Get rid of him or gets his own blog and yes he will never grasp the idea what the blog is.

Galaxy Note Series The Best Smartphones

Weird. I had to run into an article to remember all the pressure up to release of Galaxy Note 8.

And it is an awesome phone. It deserves a minute of our time to remember the best. The article starts with “all the love Note 8 gets…” And I suddenly remembered! 

It wasn’t long ago. Literally a month ago when finally Galaxy Note 8 was everywhere and everyone had theirs. More than a year of stress and pressure on he brand and all it took was laying out the law that if anything goes wrong with Galaxy Note 8 launch it be President of People Republic of China AND CEO of Apple who are the guilty parties to be held responsible. And that was such an easy launch. 

It reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie. After he meets with a gangster in prison and scares him off he finds himself tailed everywhere. Once he confronts the thugs he finds out they were assigned his bodyguard by the gangster so no harm comes to Eastwood and the man be held responsible. Galaxy Note 8 probably had the same fate. Apple and Chinese government had to make sure the device launches as expected or else they be accused of “poisoning Wells” and “starting fires” to rid of competition. They do that but not the topic here. Galaxy Note 8 had it’s own Patron Saints and no harm came to it AND we all forgot. 

Oh well, such is life. The phone is awesome and frankly is big. I never notice I have a big phone AGAIN until I see someone else holding it. Just yesterday I was riding our “disgusting” commuter trains which fill up beyond what should be legal to pack into a high speed legacy vehicle and someone pulled a Galaxy Note 8. I was puzzled for about two seconds “what IS that giant phone this dude has” and I realized. Big phones are great. What is not great is my laptop. It is awesome but I never realized how much work I do. I had a horrible morning and I feel so pissy how much work I have to do. Laptops suck. They are good for work and everything else done turns into work. I did release my anger well. It has been a while since bad luck fell many people I know whom deserve them. I wished them all time in hell and as a practioner of Evil Arts (commonly known as participation or if have what it takes “playing” in the field of politics) I jinxed them all to hell. It was that bad a morning. Evil always wins and Ultra Conservatives node Yep. Galaxy Note 8 Rocks. 

Is This A Third Rate Country Or What? (First Draft)

When it gets this low….

Left propaganda is not as common as when Obama was in. Back then it was “intolerable.” One of the good things that finally was established was the labels such as Liberal, Democrat and the opposite obviously are not simple classifications as commonly believed. There can be so much diversity within a group. The type of Liberal Obama established was unbelievable. It was horrible and terrible and so on. No wonder he was replaced by we know what.

Trump represents some end of the spectrum. Nobody would have ever dreamed someone like Trump existed not to mention he would make it past the entire party and get a good job in the government. He is disqualified based on almost all criteria to serve and he is President?

And in this time in the history of the country things have got so bad that once again Liberal rhetoric sounds so valid. Read the “expert” statement above. It makes so much sense because things are so bad. Anything would make sense. Fortunately State Department has a plan. When General Uncle was alive he was criticized for his famous cover-ups and today State Department has accepted the wisdom of General. As soon as Donald is history any sign or detail of his being around will be erased. A Code of Silence will be established and the best excuse will be from General again that “we won’t allow you to continue the harm done lokg after.” It gets deleted and it’s negativity won’t pass on. There never was a Donald Trump and none of this ever happend will be the claim then. As General Uncle had it anyone interested can go to graduate school and study what really happened during “this” time of history and as far as public go nothing happened. 

There is hope for the future. The wisdom of the wise ones? Experts also complain Donald Duck copied General Uncle ideas and plans just did them so badly. The wise ones do it for us or to us. Enjoy the Liberal opinions till it is over. 

PS. Third rate countries do things very poorly as our government does now in this era. The word is “low” and they say is “high.” We are that low where low can be called high unless we read Liberal literature.

Progress for Mankind

And the new currency is called…. SoviJing or RusiJing? Either way is a winner. Definitely there is a need for diversity in many areas. They can get some oil countries to join in and there is prosperity for millions or hundreds of millions of people who get screwed by lousy dollar system as the only option.

We “Go To Hell” (First Draft)

State Department claims no more Trump within a week. They don’t want current politics discussed. Something about someone paid to do ANY and distract from Russia probe.

We have our stories to tell. Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a very crooked and shady government agency once formed by politicians to do their dirty work because US military would not. They made their own little army from rejected and disgruntled US military personnel and called it legit. Years and years later this dirty government unit was involved in all kinds of shady things and one being this big fraud-monging company that was going out of business (again.) Our dirtbags in effort to save their affiliates brought some shady Japanese company who signs into National Security and later is stuck with a dead company. 

Anything to save our billions leads them to organize a mess with these dirtbags of US government and all organized by Pentagon in the background. They meddlerld with National Security in Pleasanton California a few months ago under a plan to get their billions back. It failed badly. The deal to refund them trusted to be signed off by desperate politicians ran into trouble by National Security folks. They got trapped between no money refunded and violations of US National Security they were partners to thanks to shady government agencies.

A long story short, it is a few months later. Our friends at the shady agency have had heavy heavy heavy casualties not expected to slow down. Pentagon is short a few Generals and a huge Purge is underway to get rid of all the “emotional” (also known as suicidal, criminal, racist and whatever name you can come up with) personnel no longer fit for duty because their emotional mind (also known as hatred, prejudice all the way to genuine madness) is 99%+ of them and no longer qualified to “think rationally” and serve. The big people in DC never could sell an incident in Las Vegas for their politics partly because the victims representative the “followers” of current regime in DC but as politics has it the Virgina “paid for” hate car accident onto demonstrators did work in their politics and more to follow? The story goes the pressure of investigation has just began to be felt and another paid job happens. Did the politicians in DC paid to arrange a timely event in NYC to deflate the pressure building by investigation? 

State Department knows something they hold on to. The official line is “the media” found the truth and may be or just that we are distracted by this tale. They we’re ready to answer at DOS yesterday and had nothing to do with any events yesterday. Uncle Trump is in trouble that bad that NYC wasn’t even worth mention? If a paid event then is not a National Security event and just an arranged car accident and State Department was ready for this and immediately directed everyone not to look at NYC and nothing there but keep looking at DC for a week and it will all be there.

“Go to hell” was mentioned twice to some of us recently. First it was Uncle Donald yesterday. He said “go to Hell” and today State Department says “go to Hell.” WTF? Trump shrugs off accusations by referring people to Hell and State Department? A request has been made from US State Department that if we are Donald-less very soon he ought to be preserved for media “consumption.” Donald has proven very able to endure bites, hair pulling, nutkicking and other manners of “journalism” American media apply to their subjects and he is not slowing down. As is said his political career may end but he has 15-20 other careers in him the media would like a piece of. And what does State Department say to “request” to “preserve” the man? Go to Hell. We need Donald. He has proven to entertain and will again and again if preserved. Go to Hell. That is a good motto. We “Go to Hell” means we get what we want because we are right and the losers only admit by saying “Go to Hell.” We GO. You don’t have a choice. 

National Reward Points Day? (First Draft)

Halloween 2017 also National Reward Points Day is here. 

I earned my triple Samsung Pay Halloween scans 400 points and a $10 card Amazon for doing a MC triple scans and that wraps up the 2017 Rewards Day. The year has been good and 2018 promises to be a better Reward Points Day. 

Initially Reward Points movement was watched carefully by our banks because financial institution consider Point-lovers as potential “extremely cheap persons” who won’t give up their money AND even resort to all manner of tactics (including making their own currency of Reward Points just so they don’t have to pay and keep their money) but as of late Reward Points are considered “worthy” since they stimulate spending which is seriously pressured because big companies and institutions take all the earned incomes and leave little to spend. So all said and done, Reward Points enthusiasts have no enemies for now. Reward Points are legit catalysts as long as the points are personalized and cannot be bought and sold as universal mean of conversion. Reward Points were created for stupid public and work fine at that level. Once upgraded into a more complex definition they lose their appeal. They are however needed. Here is an example: Why would anyone pay $18 for wine label remover sheets? What a waste of money so use Rewards Points or in this case THE Amazon Gift Card (Rewards) and only pay $8 plus tax. It is magical. It is so natural not to want to Pay.

And I got other things to do besides exciting Reward Points. Black Friday ads are popping up already. Check them out and always collect points even if it upsets the big banks.

PS. And there has been some discussions how SOME people trivalizes issues by directing attention to say Rewards Points versus mouthfuls of politics. I agree. Enjoy your Reward Points.

Future Is Bright (First Draft)


Same darn building and I had shot it before but when others are intrigued by the clouds in the glass you see it again. 

There is Progress for you. The word as of a month ago has been that Oakland is declared (Certified! An inside joke on the White House….) 100% good to go and can begin fixing up expecting no unusual surprises ahead. That is huge in terms of quality of life. One of the biggest issue with this project was not to ruin the lives of whoever lived around here for a long time and give everything to a bunch of “White People” (this is long before the current regime in DC) move in and take everything just when is worth something.

The clouds in the glass may be a very limited view of Oakland today but will expand and is not a project of Real Estate victory but quality of life. 

That will have problems of all kinds thanks to nature or man. I was recently in Palo Alto and is same as was a few months ago but for our today argument a long time ago East Palo Alto (exists and a lot of people live there though American culture labels them as non-existent just like Oakland was once labeled there is no there …. ) was not a city and had this crazy project. They wanted to turn a parcel of land into what would be a small business park with offices. Then some businesses in need of the proximity would move there and East Palo Alto claimed they finally had a “tax base” and City of Palo Alto fought so hard to stop it. Today is years later and clouds in the glass can appear without bother from neighbors for all kinds of good or bad reasons.  

Oakland has passed the babysitting stage. Never mind the details but luck is on it’s side now.

That also brings us to a story far from here. State Department doesn’t want debates on this topic because is very complex and they will complain soon somebody found a way to stick the topic inside another topic even if told not to. 

Will the Kurds see the clouds in the glass one day? That is the silent debate. The details can be found in the news and let’s face it everyone loves to attack them and have some victory. They also have the potential for power a requirement of Independence hence many fear such thoughts. 

Their babysitting days have begun. Enclosed inside hostile, backward and violent so-called nation’s the idea of change will find many difficulties. The most basic step however was taken. They made an open statement that they exist. The road from nothing to a developed country is far and dangerous as many find out. East Palo Alto won’t travel that road again and Oakland just finished the babysitting part of it’s travel and hardly anyone even knows. The Kurds have just began. 

The babysitting era means a lot of help finds you by luck. 

As of last week, in follow up to attacks by Iraq the babysitters attacked Iraq in a symbolic gesture. Iraq has taken the subtle (politically goes unannounced) attacks on it’s electronic capabilities into consideration. Russians have peculiar approaches to problems and nobody likes a surprise especially when hostile. The good folks in the ill-repute land of Turkey (has the worst history of probably any country for centuries dating to literally today on human rights anywhere they get to) are marked to be next if needed and the regional super-power Iran (with it’s huge number of weak spots) has been promised as soon as the Regime in DC changes (everyone put their energy there for now) they get at least one attack to remember not to attack minorities and the penalty is not because of attacks made or to be made but because they make these elaborate stories and justifications why attacking whom and where is justified. Neither Turkey nor Iran have attacked the Kurds in this conflict but present many elaborate arguments why they have a right to. After the damage they will change their arguments.

Babysitting allows opportunities to arise. 

The French have been very supportive of Kurds as a “people” historically and expected to invest in the “people” there. Germans volunteered recently (means viciously fought to get the job or duty of) to ensure Syria is rebuilt based on Code on random local practices. It is needless to say in a less developed country the idea of standards as building codes, electrical codes, and so on (architecture? What is that?) hardly exist. The Kurds can expect the same. The Code? Welcome to the developed world. 

And that is key point in the general idea that Civilization requires a great deal of work. Deciding to be and live as people (with better standards of life) is a long way from happening by itself. That is why babysitting is a legitimate diplomatic and military duty. 

And State Department doesn’t want to get into this mess. An entire country appearing overnight when we have so many deals going with so many people (countries?) around there. America may be big on economy and military but diplomatically is another story. Others are pushing the baby-sitting agenda. Kurds will have a country but a lot of times the cart goes before the horse! Sometimes it becomes developed long before it becomes independent. The development is sheltered and supported by it’s government which they lack due to history so babysitting is trying way to go. And the answer is yes people will come from far away armed to kill you and your family just because you want to live better and more comfortably. And the stories they tell why they may. Those stories and arguments are as criminal as any bona fide acts of violence.

The babysitting will continue. Russians are very big in some areas and not topic here but they definitely babysit here. The political situation has been pacified and the highest diplomat the Kurds have is resigning to visit other countries and use diplomacy. Building a country requires huge commitments and investment. There is a line of volunteers out there to meet.

And it should be mentioned here also (which State Department would appreciate) another relevant development. 

The story is old and goes as did before. Long time ago the Israelies used to run their mouth a lot and finally one day they headed to Iran. As long distance from there a battle cost both sides several airplanes and the myth of “we attack you” died there. More important at that exact time EU sent envoys to Iran and started funding to keep things going. It is years later and Iran has been a good security guard of their side of Middle East. As of two weeks ago French demanded that Iran move it’s Middle East Command (what EU supports to keep peace in Persian Gulf) to Syria and it actually did happen and has been verified. The effect? The myth of Israel “will attack everyone and anyone” on this side of Middle East will die slowly also. Let’s not forget how these countries will do their own action in the guise of somebody else is in charge and doing it. 

The rebuilding of Syria and Kurdistan is expected to vary from traditional recoveries. It will be a leap through time and is both about people and places. Will the “White People” of the area try to move in and take Everything as soon as starts to turn good as Oakland almost experienced? 

The word is had Kurds became independent the entire Kurdish population of Iran would relocate there which Iran didn’t like. That contradicts tales of the great country is run there. An entire ethnic minority leaves? The emphasis is on 100% in this report making it interesting and upsetting. And Saudi are very interested in Syrian peace and rebuilding AFTER the Middle East Command moved there. The word is they will stop worrying for good the Israelies can do whatever they want. Who will move when things get better? The people who lived there. And again word is Lebanese and Palestinean hope for economic upgrades then. 

Babysitting is a cool diplomatic duty. It can happen here in Oakland or in far places. It is rewarding work if and when get to the end of the babysitting era. Oakland is well-off now and I don’t think anybody here has a clue what any of this means hence in need of “development.” And it only begins overseas. And babysitting by nature includes outsiders as Lebanese and Palestinean in this case. 

The key element of babysitting is the babysitters must have the ability and be willing to inflict incredible harm without much ceremony. It is like protecting your kids form wild animals. It has to get done. There is very little talk around and about it. And same goes for countries or the ones-to-be. 

And for the record, countries such as United States are incapable of babysitting and doing good because of corruption in their systems. US military is part Mercenary and part legitimate personnel in that area as an example. 

Tomorrow Is The Big Day. 

As you can see above October 31st also known as Halloween is THE last opportunity in the Samsung Pay slash Galaxy Note 8 promo to rack up points. I think 500 points is the reward. Nice going. That teaches a lesson to those losers at AAPL to compete by contributing not taking as much as they can. AAPL Reward Points is an economic MUST need for all the AAPL device users. And does not exist? What kind of country would let a company steal so much (they all do) and give back so little. And giving back is not done based on company criteria. It is based on Market criteria. We Samsung and Android users are spoiled and feel the poor and neglected AAPL users need our support and comaraderie. Give them something. Don’t forget the top top man in our government is both a Samsung and Android user and doesn’t have a good reputation if you know what I mean. We could appeal to him to reach out to the neglected AAPL victims. Do the right thing and give them Reward Points or face the music. 

Jigsaw The Movie 2017 (First Draft and I don’t care to clean it up.)

It is only 90 minutes.

Some complain when watching some movies. I happened to watch Saw III etc on Netflix (or at least tried to watch them) but got so many complaints from our partner teams who shadow what we do. They didn’t want to watch SAW anything. I fail to understand what is not to like about two strangers waking up chained up in a public bathroom puzzler what is next. America loves them movies. And shouldn’t we?

Jigsaw had very strong “draw” for someone who has nothing to do on a Monday. It showed at 11 am at $5.75 and here is the best part it was only 90 minutes. Jigsaw stood up ad the “most watchable” against all the rest that come up when we do Google search of Showtimes Near Me. And next time I ask Google Assistant to help with this search. Let’s see what else can go wrong with help of multi-million dollar AI. 

The General Formula for finding better movies was met in this case. The formula requires the length of the show, the cost, the time of the show and this one had an extra bonus that made it watchable. Given the 90 minute Showtime we only needed half as much snacks as a normal movie which is a plus.

On the intellectual side, I did read through the top ranking online review of Jigsaw by Hollywood something. It didn’t say bad things and the writer did mention “something” he or she liked about the movie. It was so good I already forgot his point. That is all I was looking for. Anything good even one thing to watch the movie? Yes, there was. 

And honestly Jigsaw was done well. I liked it. And you get to enjoy gory body part details almost as long as you want. Check out the sawed-off brain. Wow. Is this a good movie or what. 

Jigsaw was nothing like other Saw movies. It is not disgusting. It is not scary. It is not annoying. I don’t think any of the writers had psychological problems as the Saw writers may have had. It is a clean horror movie and there had been six years since last one but probably be more. 

The only thing I didn’t like was the ending. It was not good. I was about to notice for the last time that “what is with those tight ass jeans on a big dude” when confessions began. It was all lost then. It does bring to memory a fine article (that I didn’t read) on my Tabloid screen saver app about Hollywood being run by gay mafia. That may explain the jean effect. I don’t see any other reasons. I hope next Saw or Jigsaw is done as well but has a few less flaws. And I think Hollywood needs to incorporate more real life political facts into Horror Genre. Let’s say top Leaders of a country we know secretly tourchers his opposition or at least publicly approves of. That is true today, isn’t it? We will find out in the movie and loosen up the jeans please.

And one final note since we are on Jigsaw. There had been a recent complaint about a certain IQ test given to staff of a certain government agency and how the big cheese organized it and failed it too (this better not be fake tabloid news. I found it believable) and I like to suggest for the next I test they do there to grab the Wikipedia under Jigsaw and reprint The Plot of the movie. I think 5 but 10 probably be more fun or fair multiple questions to test IQ this second attempt. Anybody who can remember the details under The Plot has great memory and I think we can credit something to IQ also. It is fascinating read. See Jigsaw. It meets The Formula requirements of Watchable Movies.